The establishment of construction enterprise with foreign investment | Shanghai Joint Venture registration resource| CBIZE
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Document List
Industry Guidance
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Laws and Rules
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wfoe types
1. Advantages & disadvantages of wfoe
2. Application for business operation start of foreign countries (regional) enterprises in China
3. Application for establishment of branch of foreign-funded enterprise
4. Application for establishment of foreign-funded enterprise
5. Business Tax Outline
6. Calculation sample for local employee payroll costs
7. Capital requirement for FIEs in different industries
8. Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries (Revised 2015)
9. Consulting & Service WFOE Registration Outline
10. Corporate Income Tax
11. Detailed rules for the implementation of the law of prc on sino-foreign contractual joint ventures
12. Documents List for JV setup
13. Documents required for the filing of other issues of foreign investment companies
14. Establishment of Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools
15. Establishment of job referral agencies with foreign investment
16. Establishment of maintenance service enterprises with foreign investment
17. Establishment of road transport enterprise with foreign investment
18. Establishment of talent agency with foreign investment
19. Food & Beverage WFOE Registration Outline
20. Foreign employee IIT Guideline
21. Foreign employee IIT tax planning & equalization
22. General introduction of CJV (Cooperative Joint Venture)
23. General introduction of EJV (Equity Joint Venture)
24. How to save tax after FIEs face the same National Treatment as domestic business
25. Law for establishment
26. Law of the people's republic of china on chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures
27. Law of the people's republic of china on chinese-foreign joint ventures
28. Law of the people's republic of china on foreign-capital enterprises
29. List of FIE company types which will be accepted for application by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce
30. Local employee recruitment, payroll & insurance guideline
31. Manufacturing WFOE Registration Outline
32. Measures for liquidation of enterprise with foreign investment
33. Model articles of association for joint venture companies on the expression of the organization With board of directors and board of supervisors
34. Nature of capital, and its rules for use by authority
35. Office space requirements for setup new company
36. Registration General Process
37. Registration General Process
38. Regulations for the implementation of the law of the people's republic of china on chinese-foreign equity joint ventures
39. Regulations of the people's republic of china on administration of registration of companies
40. Restricted Industry List for Foreign Invested Enterprise by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce
41. Rules for the implementation of the law of the people’s republic of china on foreign-capital enterprises
42. Sample Joint Venture Contract
43. Setup Costs & Government Charge
44. Setup Costs & Government Charge
45. The company law of the people's republic of china (revised in 2013)
46. The establishment of accounting firms with foreign investment
47. The establishment of advertising enterprise with foreign investment
48. The establishment of audio-visual product distribution enterprises with foreign investment
49. The establishment of catering enterprise with foreign investment
50. The establishment of companies limited by shares with foreign investment
51. The establishment of computer software and related service enterprise with foreign investment
52. The establishment of construction enterprise with foreign investment
53. The establishment of construction project design enterprise with foreign investment
54. The establishment of consulting enterprise with foreign investment
55. The establishment of distribution enterprises of books, newspapers and journals with foreign investment
56. The establishment of entertainment enterprise with foreign investment
57. The establishment of exhibition company with foreign investment
58. The establishment of foreign-invested enterprises
59. The establishment of investment enterprise with foreign investment
60. The establishment of leasing enterprises with foreign investment
61. The establishment of logistics enterprise with foreign investment
62. The establishment of medical institutions with foreign investment
63. The establishment of printing enterprise with foreign investment
64. The establishment of real estate enterprise with foreign investment
65. The establishment of research and development institutions with foreign investment
66. The establishment of retails enterprise and wholesale enterprise with foreign investment
67. The establishment of shipping companies with foreign investment
68. The establishment of tourist agency with foreign investment
69. The investment way of JV
70. The share proportion rule of JV
71. Time line for registration process
72. Time line for registration process
73. Trading (FICE) WFOE Registration Outline
74. Value Added Tax Outline
75. Verification of headquarters of multinational corporation with foreign investment
76. Virtual Office in Shanghai
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The establishment of construction enterprise with foreign investment
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